It started with me taking things apart in my Grandad's shed and I soon found I had a skill for isolating a problem and understanding how to fix it.
As an apprentice at 16, I made tea and got to clean up a lot but also learned the fundamentals of car maintenance, repairs and servicing of all makes and models of cars. Growing up in Devon I had opportunities to work on agricultural vehicles, specialist cars and motorbikes and my favourite - Land Rovers.
Fast forward to 2023 and apart from not ageing one bit (!) I have extended my skills and experience to full diagnostics, plugging into vehicles and embracing technology. I don't think there is a make of car that I haven't actually worked on but I do love a challenge if you have a tricky problem that hasn't been solved!
Pop along to the workshop in the new development, The Courtyard Business centre, 48 Lynch Lane in Weymouth and let's get your car sorted.