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Liz Rowe
Mar 22, 20242 min read
Top five tips to help your car's life expectancy
Treat your car well and it will be kind to you! We've brought together our top five tips to help you prolong the life of your car. To...

Liz Rowe
Feb 16, 20242 min read
Car welding repair guide
There are several reasons why a car might require welding. Here are a few common reasons in a brief car welding repair guide: Rust...

Liz Rowe
Jan 25, 20241 min read
What if your car FAILS its MOT?
If your car fails its MOT, don't worry. Here are the steps you can take: Get a detailed report: We will provide you with a detailed...

Liz Rowe
Jan 25, 20242 min read
Help your car pass its MOT
A few top tips to help you help your car pass its MOT test first time

Liz Rowe
Dec 17, 20233 min read
Top FIVE things to keep in your car for emergencies
Prepping for emergency breakdown When winter comes around, it's important to remember that being prepared is key. It's also important to...

Liz Rowe
Jul 16, 20232 min read
Engine noises that need your immediate attention
Your engine is basically the heart of your car: if it's not working properly, you won't get very far. So when an engine noise comes up,...

Liz Rowe
Jun 19, 20233 min read
What to do if you break down at the side of the road
Nightmare! Your car is starting to judder and break down at the side of the road If you've ever broken down at the side of the road, you...

Liz Rowe
Jun 19, 20232 min read
Potholes cause tyre and suspension damage
Introduction Driving on potholed roads can be a nightmare. They can cause damage to your car, and are often unavoidable if you're driving...

Liz Rowe
Jun 2, 20232 min read
Help extend your tyre life
As a driver, ensuring that your tyres are well-maintained is not only important for your safety on the road, but also for the longevity...
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