Driving on potholed roads can be a nightmare. They can cause damage to your car, and are often unavoidable if you're driving through an area with bad roads. But did you know that avoiding potholes can also be important for the safety of your tyres?
Potholes can damage your car and tyres.
Potholes are notorious for damaging cars, and it's not just the impact of hitting one that can cause damage. The vibration caused by hitting a pothole can also cause problems with your tyres and rims. This is why it's important to avoid potholes at all costs!

They may cause suspension damage.
Suspension damage can be expensive to fix, and it can also cause you to lose steering control and braking control. If your car hits a pothole at high speed, the impact could cause the suspension to fail completely--or at least damage it enough that it needs replacing. And while replacing a damaged part might not be too bad if you're driving an old clunker with only one working wheel (and even then, you'd probably want to get it fixed), new parts for newer cars tend to cost more than most people can afford at once.
Avoid potholes!
Avoid potholes!
If you see one, don't drive through it. If you have to swerve to avoid a pothole, try not to do so abruptly; this could cause your vehicle's tyres and shocks (or even other parts) to fail. And if there's no way around a big ol' pothole, don't brake suddenly or slam on your brakes--doing so can cause skidding and increase wear-and-tear on your brake pads or discs.

To conclude
You may not be able to avoid potholes altogether, but you can certainly do your best to avoid them. The next time you see one in your path, slow down and look for another route. If there's no way around it, then go slowly and carefully through the hole until clear on the other side!